Shooting Sports 23-24 Info

May 2, 2023

Are you interested in the Johnson County Westside High School Shooting Sports (trap) Team?

I am the head coach for the Shooting Sports Team.  Westside has had a Shooting Sports (trap) program since 2018 and the first year Westside was involved we started with just senior division team members.  The next year we added junior division team members.  The senior division is for students in grades 9-12 and the junior division is for students in grades 5-8.

Trap shooting is an expensive sport but through grants and fundraisers the school has been able to keep the cost to our students to a minimum.  The grants have allowed the school to be able to provide all ammunition and targets for practices.  Only 12 ga. or 20 ga. shotguns are allowed to be used for trap.  Shotguns that have a release trigger or exposed hammer are not allowed.  This year there is a $20.00 membership fee that is used to help cover expenses for the team..  

Each Shooting Sports team member must take and pass the Arkansas Hunter Education course to be eligible to participate on the team.  If a student has not already taken the course, a hunter education class is offered at the high school each fall for Westside students only.

The school has its own trap field located at 1055 Hill Top Road, where all practices are held.  The team has two trap machines so two groups are able to practice at the same time.  This year, practices were held on Friday mornings beginning at 10:00 AM, weather permitting.

If you are interested in becoming part of the Johnson County Westside High School Shooting Sports Team, you can contact me at if you have questions or want more information. One of the junior squads has qualified for the state tournament on June 2nd so we are having additional practices this year.  You are invited to observe an actual practice on May 16th and see what all is involved with being part of the team.  After the practice I will answer any questions you may have.

Any parents and students interested in becoming members of the Westside Shooting Sports Team are invited to observe a trap practice at 4:30 PM on Tuesday, May 16th at the school trap field located at 1055 Hill Top Road.  If it is raining, we will meet in the high school cafeteria.  

Gerald Haltom

Teacher/Head Shooting Sports Coach

Johnson County Westside High School