4th Grade February Students of the Month:
Reaghan Nichols, Chiana Stover

1st Grade February Students of the Month:
Korina Xiong, Max Bennett

Kindergarten February Students of the Month:
Harper Bryant, Carlee Galvin

ABC Preschool February Student of the Month:
Reese Scarberry

Today's Senior Spotlight is Austin Bartlett! Austin we wish you all the best and know you will work hard to achieve your goals. #senior2021 #SeniorSpotlight #westsiderebels

Senior Spotlight Alexia Bartlett! Best of luck in all your do Alexia! We know you will continue to make us proud.

Senior Spotlight Kyla Wright! We wish you all the best!! Keep working hard to accomplish your goals.
#westsiderebels #gorebels #seniorspotlight #senior2021

Cheering on our elementary students and staff as they tackle their ACT Interim test this week! #gorebels #westsiderebels

Senior Spotlight Ashley Morrow... Best of luck Ashley!! We are so proud of you.

Due to the weather conditions we experienced last week, the state has moved the ACT test for Juniors to March 9. Please mark your calendars if you are an 11th grade student or a parent of one. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Blood Donors Needed!! FBLA is sponsoring a Blood Drive this Thursday February 25th between 9am-2pm at JC Westside High School. You must make an appointment, please call 479-497-1171.

Picture retakes will be December 3rd.

Please remember, due to COVID-19 regulations, no outside food is to be brought in for lunch. Thank you for helping keep our students and staff safe.

The ball games at St. Paul have been cancelled tonight. Next game is tomorrow night at Perryville. Four game night junior girls and boys and senior girls and boys) starting at 4:00. This is the rescheduled game from a few weeks ago.